KUI Audience to Consulate General of India University General

Following up the meeting held at Westin Nusa Dua on November 1, 2021 at the Udayana International Partnership Meeting, the Coordinator of International Office (KUI) Udayana University, Dr. Eng. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki and the team visited the Consulate General of India, on Friday, November 12, 2021. The agenda of the visit was to discuss about the cooperation related to the Ayur Veda Education Program and to discuss the participation of the Indian Consul General in the International Education and Culture Festival (IECF), held by the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. The festival will be held on 27-28 November 2021 at the Agrokompleks Building, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.

The Consul General of India, Mr. Prakash Chand said he was very interested in joining the IECF in order to introduce India's education system and culture. This will be included the exhibition of traditional food for invited guests, and this could be one way to promote more of Indiaโ€™s food, in addition to traditional dance performances that has been widely known beforehand.

More of the IECF 2021, each participated country will be provided with one cultural exhibition stand of 4 x 4 meters, and a traditional food stand of 2 x 1 meter. KUI will also provide a stage for performances of traditional dances from each country. A number of consulate generals from friendly countries have stated their readiness to be involved in the IECF 2021, including the Consul Generals of Japan, South Korea, China and up to this news being published, India. On the other hands, some other countries are still waiting for confirmation.

Besides confirming the participation of the Consulate General of India at IECF 2021, KUI was also exploring more on the cooperation and the development of Ayur Veda education. The program will be managed by the Faculty of Medicine (FK), Udayana University. Mr. Prakash Chand explained that his party had signed an MoU with Udayana University in 2018, and a special meeting with the faculty, in 2019. However, this collaboration has not been implemented yet, due to the Covid-19 outbreak. "I hope this collaboration can be realized but it is necessary to renew the understanding of cooperation between us and Unud, afterwards, it could be followed by a more detailed discussion with the Faculty of Medicine," he explained.

Mr. Prakash Chand also offered a wider cooperation in technical, economic, and socio-cultural fields. It is hoped that Unud will send more employees and lecturers who want to study in related field to India and the Indian government will provide full scholarships for postdoctoral studies. The study time period will be in between two to 16 weeks in India. He explained, in 2020 around 20 scholarship packages were provided and some of them have been used by academics from Bali. "More detailed information can be found in the website of the Indian Embassy in the field of education," said Mr. Prakash Chand.

Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Dr.dr Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, M.Kes and Ners Ni Komang Ari Sawitri, S.Kep. M.Sc. Ph.D, at the meeting expressed their gratitude for the cooperation opportunities provided by the Consul General of India. The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University is ready to facilitate the renewal of the MoU for Ayur Veda education, both at the university and faculty level. โ€œWe will continue this discussion into the faculty level so that the cooperation could be realized immediately," said Dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani.