Experience in Research Biomedical Sciense (Study Program of Medicine Elective Study)
Experience research in
biomedical science is one of the international programs that the Faculty of
Medicine, Udayana University offers for preclinical medical students to gain
knowledge and experience in biomedical research. This 4-week course contains
lectures and research training on basic biomedical research which addresses
mechanisms that underlie the formation and function of living organisms,
ranging from the study of single molecules to complex integrated functions of
human contributes profoundly to studentβs knowledge. Enrolled students gain
relevant experiences that will assist them in determining if a career in
research is of interest
The objective of this
program the students will get extraordinary experiences regarding research
experience in tropical countries and obtain knowledge on various tropical
diseases. This course offers medical students to have practical skills in
research of biomedical science especially in tropical diseases. The main goal
of experience in biomedical research is to give experience about tropical
research. The experience of research including how to conduct research in
animal study, parasitology study (especially helminths study, mosquito study),
microbiology study, pharmacology/toxicology study and molecular biology
1. Class activities
2. Field activities (site visit and field Workshop)
1. Experience Research in
Parasitology (Tropical Diseases)
2. Experience Research in
Microbiology (Tropical Diseases)
3. Experience Research in Pharmacology/Toxilogy
4. Experience Research in Molecular Biology