Online Meeting with the International Office of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNISMA) University General

The International Office of Udayana University held an online meeting via zoom with the International Office of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNISMA) on 28 May 2021.

This meeting was attended by representatives from UNUD, the KUI Coordinator Dr. Eng Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST, MT, M.Eng, and lecturers from Udayana University,  Dr. Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi S.T., M.T., MURP and Ni Nyoman Sulastri, S.TP., M.Agr., Ph.D, as well as KUI Staff, on the other hands, the representatives from UNISMA were Mrs. Shanti Faridah, Mrs. Florianna Michael, and Mrs. Ivy Rigar.

In this meeting several important issues were discussed in order to strengthen relations between universities, including Student Exchange Programs (With/without Credit Transfer), EduTourism, Global Classroom, Summer Programs, Customized Mobility Programs, Virtual Sharing Sessions, Webinars and Joint Research.